Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

Read Luke 19:14-48
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! The Gospel of Luke tells us that after Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, he went into the temple courts and started to drive out those who were selling there. These people were turning the temple into a marketplace where they profited from the people who came for the feast of passover. We are also told by Luke that he was teaching there everyday eventhough threats and dangers of arrest and death were courching all around him. They were all ploting to get rid of him. Yet, our Lord Jesus was totally unmoved by all these threats and continued to interact with the people who came for the feast and preached to them the message of the Kingdom.
How is this account related to Palm Sunday? How is this related to this Holy Week reflection? As Christian, Palm Sunday should teach us about fulfilling God's purpose in our lives even though it means treading upon trials and dangers along the way. Jesus was not detered by the perils before him. He knew that the people in authority were ploting to have him arrested and killed but he was determined to do the will of his Father in heaven and to accomplish his mission set for him.
We don't have a bed of roses before us. Period! Jesus knew that the way ahead was going to be uphill and still he entered Jerusalem. The disciples probably thought that this was the moment of glamour and glory for them. They probably thought that Jesus was going to accomplish something great in their own definition and understanding. Little did they know that by the end of the week, they would all be scattered and some would even deny Christ in exchange for their safety.
It's in the context of this that we all can still shout victoriously that "Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" God is to be praised and adored in the face of our trials and tribulations. Let's lift up our palm branches and lay down our cloak to receive the King of glory, the Servant King.